Discussion:La norme NF C 15-100 dans l’habitat
Chapter Q >> Migration is done --Suniti (discussion) 14 juillet 2016 à 03:28 (EDT)
Level 3/4 changed
- PDF pg Q2/Q3 >> Les amendements et interprétations de la norme NF C 15-100
- PDF pg Q7/Q8/Q9/Q10/Q11/Q12 (i.e complete module 2) >> Norme NF C 15-100 : le séjour
- PDF pg Q29>> Loi n° 2010-238
Format and contents of table Q4 and Q4(bis) >> To be checked
L'équipement minimal défini par la norme NF C 15-100
- I checked and added some column sizing for better results
- Suniti there is point that is not OK: all the paragraphs starting with icon
should not be part of previous bullet point
- so please remove all the "p /p" coding you added, and just go to next line to start the paragraph with that icon
- I already modified the first 2 sections (up to and including "Séjour"), so you can see how to do
- --LMischler (discussion) 15 juillet 2016 à 04:27 (EDT)
- Suniti please make the corrections
- Done but need to discuss few pages as the text before the pictures are coming are seven after sub-bullet points or may be sub-bullets are continued after the text having these pictures (please see)
Norme NF C 15-100 : extérieur#Alimentation des points d’utilisation extérieurs
Norme NF C 15-100 : schéma et identification des circuits
Norme NF C 15-100 : gaine technique logement
- To be confirmed/checked or sub-bullets to be changed to bullet points?
Bullets/Sub-bullets points added/changed
- PDF pg Q6 >> Fig no. Q4 (bis) >> Row 2/ column 5 (Hyphens are changed to bullets) >> L'équipement minimal défini par la norme NF C 15-100
PDF pg Q23 >> Table >> The footnote numbers are both in alphabets [a], [b] and numbers [1], [2] >> so changed them all to continous alphabets i.e [1] changed to [c], [2] changed to [d] ....
- I have made adjustments to the table notes, for coherence with PDF (and for me it's OK to use a, b, c ...) --LMischler (discussion) 15 juillet 2016 à 04:38 (EDT)
Norme NF C 15-100 : gaine technique logement#Canalisation (771.558.2.5)
Name of the module to be Page to be changed (For Laurent)
Autres locaux supérieurs à 4 m2, circulations et WC >> Autres locaux supérieurs à 4 m2, circulations et WC
PDF Pg Q13 >> Fig Q5 >> For arrow mark in the Row2/ column 2 math formuls is used for "arrow" sign
- it was OK and looking like the book, but I tried a different idea = a + sign which for me is more understandable than the triangle
- also added extra space before the "lamp" and these icons
- Romain to validate this modification --LMischler (discussion) 15 juillet 2016 à 04:46 (EDT)