Text formatting markup
Description | You type | You get |
Character (inline) formatting – applies anywhere | ||
Italic text | ''italic''
italic |
Bold text | '''bold'''
bold |
Bold and italic | '''''bold & italic'''''
bold & italic |
Escape wiki markup | <nowiki>no ''markup''</nowiki>
no ''markup'' |
Section formatting – only at the beginning of the line | ||
Headings of different levels | =level 1= ==level 2== ===level 3=== ====level 4==== =====level 5===== ======level 6====== An article with 4 or more headings automatically creates a table of contents. |
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3 Level 4Level 5 Level 6
Horizontal rule | ----
Bullet list |
* one * two * three ** three point one ** three point two Inserting a blank line will end the first list and start another. |
indent text |
: Single indent :: Double indent ::::: Multiple indent This workaround may be controversial from the viewpoint of accessibility. |
MediaWiki ignores single line breaks. To start a new paragraph, leave an empty line. You can force a line break within a paragraph with the HTML tags <br />
Titles, sub-titles ...
The wiki page title (defined when creating a page) is using the first title level (h1)
So when the book content to migrate includes "paragraphs", "sub-paragraphs" ... their titles should use wiki syntax for level 2 (== title ==), level 3 (=== sub-paragraph ===) etc
bullet lists - details
Bullet list |
* one * two ** two point one ** two point two * three<p>continued</p> ** three point one * four<!-- --><p>continued with "nicer" source (visually closer to actual page result)</p><!-- --><p>several continued sentences is possible</p><!-- --><p>can also be used for an image that is part of bullet point</p><!-- --><p>[[File:Blogs icon.png|none]]</p> ** four point one Inserting a blank line will end the first list and start another. nota: there is a small bug with wiki CSS, so inside tables following text does not have proper font size ==> not a problem as should never happen in tables |
It is not recommended to have more than 2 nested levels of bullet lists.
If there are more than 2 bullet list levels (maybe sometimes also for 2 levels), it is recommended to change the first level of bullet list to a sub-paragraph level
"Highlight Boxes" (green boxes in the book, grey in wiki)
These are the "boxes" added in the left column of the book, to highlight a point. Most are green in the book, except the "french specifc" ones which are grey
- syntax for "normal" ones:
{{Highlightbox | This is the text for the highlight box }}
This is the text for the highlight box
- syntax for "french-specific" ones:
{{Highlightbox-specific | This is the text for the french specific highlight box }}
This is the text for the french specific highlight box
Manual TOCs (table of contents)
These small manual TOCs are used in "introductory pages", eg pages with a short text introduction (or not), followed by this small manual TOC = links to pages included in this "section"
{{Manual_TOC | * [[General method for cable sizing]] * [[Recommended simplified approach for cable sizing]] * [[Sizing of busbar trunking systems (busways)|Example where visible text is different from page name]] }}
Sommaire |
The syntax is now using templates, to facilitate and standardize the formating, as shown below
{{FigImage|<fig-ID>|<fig-extension>|<fig-num>|<fig-title>}} example: {{FigImage|DB422002_FR|svg|A11|Application du facteur de simultanéité (ks) à un immeuble de 4 étages + rez-de-chaussée (correspondant à la norme NF C 14-100)}}
- <fig-ID> is like: DB422001 (= image file name, without the file extension)
- <fig-extension> is like: svg, jpg ...
- <fig-num> is like: A11, B42a ...
- <fig-title> is like: Application of the diversity factor (ks) to an apartment block of 5 storeys
nota: <fig-title> normally is just text, and does not include any formatting, unless it is required, like to add a link inside the title. Example:
{{FigImage|<fig-ID>|<fig-extension>|A11|Circuit-breaker type <nowiki>'''[http://www.xxxxxxx Masterpact]''' from Schneider-Electric}}</nowiki>
{{FigImage|<fig-ID>|<fig-extension>|<fig-num>|<fig-title>| add figure notes here ...<br> ... more }} example: {{ FigImage|DB422002_FR|svg|A11|Application du facteur de simultanéité (ks) à un immeuble de 4 étages + rez-de-chaussée (correspondant à la norme NF C 14-100)| add figure notes here ...<br> ... more }}
Image without frame and title
Syntax is very simple here:
[[File:<image-name-with-extension>]] example: |[[File:Pen-icon.png]]
Giving for exemple, if integrated in a small table:
table header | header 2 |
![]() |
This icon is a pen icon |
Gallery of images
- The syntax to use is shown below.
- Important: you have to choose the "width" and "height" to use for the gallery, according to image sizes = it should correspond to the max width and maw height of all images in the gallery, + 5px
- for the example below, the images are 223×247 pixels and 210×252 pixels respectively, so max width = 223 + 5px = 228 I rounded to 230px, and max height = 252 + 5px = 257 I rounded to 260px
- the title for each image can include some wiki formatting (to put part of the text in bold, like the [a] ...
<gallery widths=230px> heights=260px> File:<image-file-name>|<title for first image in the gallery> File:<image-file-name>|<title for 2nd image in the gallery> ... </gallery> {{FigTitle|<fignum>|<figtitle>}}
And here is an example
- PB116705.jpg
[a] TGBT avec une arrivée par canalisation électrique préfabriquée (Prisma P)
Standard Tables, with a title and without notes
The final syntax to use requires to REPLACE the usual starting and ending syntax of tables by specific templates with proper parameters:
{{TableStart|<table-ID>|<cols-in-book>}} IMPORTANT: This line is REPLACING the usual table starting syntax: {| class="wikitable" ... table syntax as usual here ... ... continued ... {{TableEnd|<table-ID>|<fig-num>|<table-title>}} IMPORTANT: This line is REPLACING the usual table ending syntax: |}
<table-ID> = table ID (Tab1001) <cols-in-book> = 1col 2col 3col 4col or 5col, according to nr of "book columns" required for the table width in the book <fig-num> = figure number (A5)
{{TableStart|Tab1001|2col}} |- ! header ! header |- | the table syntax is as usual | the rest is as usual I believe |- | another cell {{TableEnd|Tab1001|A5|This is my table title}}
header | header |
the table syntax is as usual | the rest is as usual I believe |
another cell |
Table without TITLE
Similar syntax, just don't put any parameter in TableEnd (TableEnd is always required !)
{{TableStart|<table-ID>|<cols-in-book>}} ... table syntax as usual here ... ... continued ... {{TableEnd}}
Table with TEXT-ONLY table notes
Syntax: the table start is the same, the table end similar but extended with the table notes
{{TableStart|<table-ID>|<cols-in-book>}} ... table syntax as usual here ... ... continued ... {{TableEnd|<table-ID>|<fig-num>|<table-title> || The text of my note here. It can be long with several sentences. Do not use "br" in this text || ... do like this to continue text on a new line}}
{{TableStart|Tab1002|2col}} |- ! header ! header |- | the table syntax is as usual | the rest is as usual I believe |- | another cell {{TableEnd|Tab1002|A6|This is my table title || The text of my note here. It can be long with several sentences. Do not use "br" in this text || ... do like this to continue text on a new line}}
header | header |
the table syntax is as usual | the rest is as usual I believe |
another cell |
The text of my note here. It can be long with several sentences. Do not use "br" in this text
... do like this to continue text on a new line
Table with REFERENCES [a] ... and table notes
This is for reference inside a table, like this in the book: 3.3(1). These references in the book use numbers (1, 2, 3 ...) which have to be changed to small capital letters in the wiki: a, b, c, d ... to differentiate the table notes (added just after the table) from the footnotes (added at the end of the page).
Syntax to add a reference in the content of the table:
{{TabRef|<table-ID>|<ref-letter>}} Example: {{TabRef|Tab1001|a}} to add a ref looking like: [a]
Complete example:
{{TableStart|Tab1003|2col}} |- ! header ! header |- | here a cell with a ref{{TabRef|Tab1003|a}} | the rest is as usual I believe |- | another cell {{TableEnd|Tab1003|A7|This is my table title |a|this is the text of my note a |b|this is now the much longer text which is not a problem, for note b || I can also mix with text only table notes. Don't forget to put the 2 || at the beginning}}
header | header |
here a cell with a ref[a] | the rest is as usual I believe |
and another ref[b] |
[a] this is the text of my note a
[b] this is now the much longer text which is not a problem, for note b
I can also mix with text only table notes. Don't forget to put the 2 || at the beginning
Syntax to add a footnote (no space before, to be placed just after the last charatcer of the related word)
{{fn|<footnote-number>}} where: <footnote-number> = 1 2 3 4 ...
Syntax to add the Notes at the end of the page:
{{footnotes}} <references> {{fn-detail|1|This is text for note 1}} {{fn-detail|2|This is text for note 2}} </references>
This is my text with footnote one[1]. This is some more text, referencing note two[2]
And this is another place referencing nte one[1].
Math formulas
Use the same syntax as previous wikis (copy / paste formulas). Just see below § "Special characters"
To know more, see Help page about Mathematical formulas
Special characters
Important: the following symbols are reserved characters that either have a special meaning under LaTeX or are unavailable in all the fonts. If you enter them directly in your text, they will normally not render, but rather do things you did not intend.
Important in particular for the % sign, which is used in some formulas (it works in the wiki, but then does not work during PDF exportation)
# $ % ^ & _ { } ~ \
These characters can be entered by adding a prefix backslash:
\# \$ \% \textasciicircum{} \& \_ \{ \} \~{} \textbackslash{}
Vertical alignment of formulas with text
For vertical alignment of formulas that are included "inline" with text:
- use a syntax like: <math style="vertical-align:-70%;"...> and play with the value in %
- for more details: check here
Specific French contents
Just for a small text
{{FR-specific-text|<this is the specific text>}}
this is the specific text
For a long specific section
{{FR-specific-section-start}} this is the migrated content wich is french specific ... ... use usual syntax for wiki contents ... .... .... {{FR-specific-section-end}}
this is the migrated content wich is french specific ...
... use usual syntax for wiki contents ...
This formatting is not 100% validated, see other tests here: Utilisateur:LMischler/TestFRSpecificFormats
NOTA: also need to fully validate the syntax, depending on final format chosen. For math formulas in particular, it will be a problem if we want to use a non-white background color in the FR-specific section
Other points
"parameters" like table note texts, table or figure titles with an = sign in it
Any time there is an = sign in the content of a table title, figure title, table note ... passed using one of my templates, (for example {{TableEnd ...}})
you will need to replace the = sign by {{=}}